I'm 43 years old, once a year I go to Aspen to ride my snowblades and I fucked once in Holidays 2009.

Hi! Name's Naramgamjan, most people call me Naram.
You might ask yourself why that username exists, considering it sounds like absolute gibberish. That's because it is! Story's quite short about that one.
I adopted the name Namajnag around 2009. Namajnag was a long standing username, which was derivated from a nickname I had in high school. Eventually, I straightened out and that username was simply an old legacy, so I switched to Naramgamjan over a decade later. Why Naramgamjan?
One day circa 2013, two of my friends were together at one of their homes, waiting for me to arrive.
At one point, friend A said "Where the hell is Naramgamjan?", friend B said "Are you high? It's pronounced Namajnag.", then friend A replied "That's what I said, Naramgamjan.".
For some reason, it stuck. Now it's my name. That's about it.

I've been gaming pretty much all my life, picked up my first controller at age 3, and I never gave it up. To my memory, the first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros 3.
Since then, I've been playing games on a very regular basis with no major breaks for over 25 years. Ever since I was a child, I was absolutely obsessed and fascinated with video games and the sheer amount of games available. My local video game store had pretty much every North American release for rent at all times, and you could see the wall of video games behind the counter.
That memory alone made me want to collect video games and play as many as I could, and as young as nine years old, I had the ambition to start my own video game store when I would get older and have as much titles as possible I could play whenever I wanted.
Eventually, reality kicked in, rental stores died, video games became prominently online, and that dream faded. The dream of collecting and playing video games, however, was still very much alive, and still is today.

For a couple years (Namely ~2007 until 2014), I've been pretty addicted to MMOs and online video games, spending most of my time in Counter-Strike, Battlefield 2 Project Reality and multiple MMOs. I had played a lot of online games before 2007, namely Quake 3, Unreal Tournament and more MMOs, but I played a lot of singleplayer games on top of that, as well as tried my hand at speedrunning between 2004 and 2007.
Between 2007 and 2014, I barely played any singleplayer games and only did one to two speedruns per year, I almost exclusively played time-consuming multiplayer games. As I did that, I somehow forgot how great and superior singleplayer experiences were.
In 2014, I needed a mental break from the city and many other reasons, so I rented the second floor of my dad's farmhouse in a remote location.
Naturally, with remote location comes limited internet access. This led to me having a 640k DSL internet connection. For those who don't know, that's a telephone line into a modem, roughly 12 times faster than Dial-Up (so extremely slow), and for a more modern reference, 1562 times slower than the gigabit line you probably have.
Downloading a 500MB game off Steam took around two hours, and that's if I was doing absolutely nothing else on the internet. Naturally, online play was now impossible, so I stopped playing online games altogether and went back to the roots.
Ever since I did that, I've found a deep appreciation for single-player experiences I had forgotten about, and I've been dedicating most of my free time clearing a ton of games and discovering as many hidden gems and unknown imports as I could since then.
As time went on, I thought I should document what I play, so I've been documenting every game I've been playing since 2017 in a google doc, and more recently, in an excel sheet as well.
The thought of making a website to write my experience with every game I play has been a thought for a very long time, but I didn't know shit about web design (still don't), and I always wanted my website to look exactly like a website from the 90s/early 2000s.
So many fansites, forums and cool places dedicated to passions back in those years were thriving, but ever since the uprise of social media, clickbait, algorithms and big corporations buying out every mildly popular website ever, very few websites of yesteryear has survived.
The internet has become quite a stale place where people do nothing but complain and hate on each other for having divergent opinions, and everyone knows everything about every subject and only their saying is right.
There were always twats on the Internet, but now it feels like that's all there is. It's depressing, really.
Thankfully, a few websites from the golden era still exist and some niche retro-focused communities are still alive and well, I can only hope they will stay up forever.

Sorry, I lost my train of thought a bit there.
Why did I make this website? Well, to be frank, I've always had a bit of writing ability in myself. Not perfect writing ability, mind you, but I like to think that I've improved over time.
I'm also fairly decent at explaining my opinion on a game and giving a well thought out review of a game whenever people ask me about one, and I've done some game development in the past, so I'm somewhat knowledgable in the art of game design.
Even for games I don't really like, I can see the pros they may have and why it could appeal to some people, and try to suggest games accordingly to other fellow gamers.
I'm no certified paid critic of course, but friends of mine seem to regularly rely on me for game suggestions, and some have shown an interest in full fledged reviews, so here we are today.
There's also a few games that I know inside out, two of which I could write a very in-depth guide on them and explain mechanics in ways they haven't been explained before on GameFAQs or for that matter, anywhere else as far as I know.
I'd like to get around to writing those, as well as other games that may have guides but have some outdated information as well. We'll see how it goes :)
I know this website looks very basic and perhaps even not aesthetically pleasing, I'm only grasping the concepts of web design and as much as I can improve over time, I know for a fact that I will not master the medium, but at the same time I don't want it to look complicated or just like another WordPress blog. The website is subject to change in appearance, but for now it'll be that.

I hope you enjoy the content on this website and delving deep into my passion for video games, and I hope the content on this site will help you find gems or new favorite games of your own!