Welcome to Naramgamjan's Dungeon.
This site was created mainly for writing game reviews for nearly every game I play, as well as writing in-depth guides to games I know by heart.
The website's look is minimalistic and standard-fare HTML on purpose and will probably remain this way, because I enjoy the simple aesthetic of yesteryear's Internet.

That being said,
if you're a web designer, chances are you'll puke at this site's design,
and for that, I don't blame you. (:

This website is still in construction and will remain so for a while, however, reviews will be added periodically several times a year.
You can consult the news page to see all the updates to the site.

If you wish to know more about me and why I wanted to make this site, there's an About page, otherwise feel free to browse the core content right away.

I hope you'll enjoy your stay :)